Erling Haaland is considered one of the most talented players, with a market value that has increased steadily for the last two years from $5.5 million in June 2019 to $165 million in October 2021. A 30 times value increase in a little more than 2 years. However, there is also an increment in injuries and associated absentee days that prevents him to show his economic value in the field.
What is the real associated risk of that investment? How could we uncover the most probable reasons for the frequent and longer absences? What are the opportunities to decrease the investment risk? What work could reduce the risk of decrement in performance and at the same time make him still a better player?
We will present new perspectives that will complement the current scouting opinions and game data to help increase the investment opportunity and decrease the risk of the prospective buyers.
Professional players’ transactions are becoming increasingly risky due to the market prices and the higher game demands. Most club owners rely on the scouting opinions and, recently, also on the numerical description of game performance variables available for player’s comparison. However, the information used in the process of selection and hiring is still inconclusive to determine in advance the performance that the player will bring to the new club.
There are variables that are hidden in the eyes of the buyers that are critical to establishing investment risk and potential costs associated with undiscovered players’ limitations (unfinished injury recovery, mechanical risks, limited physical capacity, etc.).
Our work consists in providing complementary facts to the already available information, to increase the knowledge about the real status of the player consider for acquisition. We will uncover new aspects of the players’ future performance opportunities, limitations, and risks.
Our method integrates data from the media, data providers, and the club to present new insights that can help the club to reduce the transaction’s risk and highlight the most probable costs associated with the new acquisition (future rehabilitation, future required developmental process, current low-quality performance variables, biological risks, etc.).
An analogy that works to understand our offer consists of the process that we all use while “buying a house”. We tend to favor a house in relation to the location, size and characteristics, amenities, and first appearance of the structure. However, we always need the help of an expert to establish the construction quality and for the revision of the hidden structures: roof, foundation, walls, termites’ presence, electric and plumbing health, etc.
Spandrel Analytics is your expert support to uncover what you can’t see about your prospect's new hiring. We bring more than 30 years of experience in sports science and athlete development to provide analysis of the players that are under consideration for hiring. Also, for the analysis of the current players in your teams to help you and your coaching staff to uncover performance aspects that can help design solutions for any unresolved limitation.